The Moment Samuel L Jackson Realized Glass Might Happen
Next year Samuel L. Jackson will reprise his role from M.Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable in the film Glass. It's a movie that few would have predicted was going to happen, including Samuel L. Jackson. However, there was a point at which Jackson realized he was going to have an opportunity to play Mr. Glass once again. Interestingly, it was the same moment we all realized that it might happen too. Jackson didn't have any inside information on the project. He learned about watching Split just like the rest of us. According to the actor...
I remember when Night called me last year to say, 'I need you to watch this movie I just made, and after you watch it, I'll tell you what I'm thinking.' So I watched Split, and at the end of it, we get Bruce in the caf and the woman talks to him about Mr. Glass. I was like, 'So are we gonna make this movie?'
Samuel L. Jackson at least had an indication that something was apparently happening, as he watched Split after being told by M. Night Shyamalan to do so. However, he tells Vulture he didn't have any idea what the director was planning until he saw Bruce Willis make a cameo at the end of the movie. It wasn't until that instant, that the audience realized that Split was taking place in the same world as Unbreakable and it seems that while Samuel L. Jackson had been told that Split had something to do with a project M. Night Shyamalan wanted to work with him on, he didn't know the specifics until the same instant.
Although, once Jackson realized what was going on, he had more information than the rest of us. The fans in the theater understood that they were going to see Bruce Willis and James McAvoy on the screen together in a film that would act as a sequel to both Unbreakable and Split but it wasn't until later on that we all learned that Samuel L. Jackson would be back as well. Jackson's character was defeated in Unbreakable and so it was possible he wouldn't be in the new movie. However, we now know all the major players from both movies will be in the new one. Whats more, the title of the film itself is Glass, which implies Jackson's character will be quite vital to the story being told.
How it all fits together is still a mystery but it's one fans can't wait to solve. Split was one of M. Night Shyamalan's better films, and that was before the reveal that it was connected to Unbreakable, a film many consider to be his best ever. A third film in the series with everybody involved has the potential to be something special.
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