Spider-Man: Far From Home Promotion Is Off To A Ridiculous Start


Spider-Man: Far From Home Promotion Is Off To A Ridiculous Start

Now that Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame have been checked off the 2019 list, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is gearing up for Spider-Man: Far From Home. The Sony/Marvel movie comes out in early July, and it just started its world press tour. All I can say is, if watching Far From Home is as much fun as watching Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man) and Jake Gyllenhaal's (Quentin Beck/Mysterio) press tour video from Mexico, we're in for a real treat. Look at these two goofballs:

They really are having too much fun out there. Director Jon Watts said they got along so well on set, they would crack each other up and ruin takes. I can believe it. And if the Mexico press tour footage is this ridiculous, I can only imagine the Spider-Man: Far From Home Blu-ray gag reel will be longer than Avengers: Endgame.

It's worth noting that Jake Gyllenhaal posted the same video, taking credit for it himself with "Quick video I edited together for @tomholland2013." I don't trust either Gyllenhaal or Tom Holland to do anything but make each other laugh, so Tom's brother Harry Holland must be the one really responsible.

So far, it does seem like Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal will be the faces of Spider-Man: Far From Home promotion. They were joined by Jacob Batalon (Ned) at Brazil Comic-Con several months ago, but now that the real press tour push is starting, it looks like the MCU is putting the focus on the tag-team of Spider-Man and Mysterio.

Tom Holland previously shared a photo of Spider-Man and Mysterio with the caption "The Dream team!"

Jacob Batalon replied, "Its okay everyone... Im used to being forgotten." Poor Ned. (At least Jacob and Tom will always have that hotel fire alarm.)

Tom Holland followed up with more love for Peter Parker's real BFF:

Spider-Man: Far From Home is indeed set after the events of Avengers: Endgame, which was already revealed before Endgame came out. That left many fans confused, wondering how Peter Parker could be getting another movie after Avengers: Infinity War. Now, if you've seen Endgame, you have some answers (but possibly still a few big questions).

In the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter goes on a school trip to Europe with his friends. He's recruited by Nick Fury -- who is also back -- to team up with new character Mysterio and battle the Elementals.

So Spider-Man and Mysterio work together in this movie, which is new for the Marvel character, although fans can probably expect more twists on top of that.

Spider-Man: Far From Home moved up its release date by a couple of days, and now it arrives in theaters on July 2. That gives us not quite two months of Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal taking their comedy act around the world, as Jacob Batalon and Zendaya and the rest of the Spidey cast presumably watch the bromance bloom from afar.

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A quick video I put together. @harryholland64 had no involvement ????#spidermanfarfromhome

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Get someone that looks at you the way @jakegyllenhaal looks at me ????

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The Dream team! #spidermanfarfromhome

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The dreamier team! Tb to homecoming press shoot. #spidermanfarfromhome

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